Provide ultimate nutrition for your small fry with a natural feed "SUN MARINE"
The feasibility to incubate artemia at home and its biochemical composition has allowed it to become one of the most demanded feed for aquarium fish fry.
The feasibility to incubate artemia at home and its biochemical composition has allowed it to become one of the most demanded feed for aquarium fish fry.
Provide ultimate nutrition for your small fry with a natural feed "SUN MARINE"
Why choose us?
Environmental compatibility
The lakes are located in an ecologically clean area, on the southern shore of the Aral Sea. They are under protection of government and deemed resort recreation area.
Nutritional value
Artemia grows in temperatures ranging from -40 in winter to +40 in summer. Therefore, it requires a very good supply of amino acids, fats and proteins to live and spread.
Our business is completely legal and under constant control of the authorized bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Process transparency
You will be able to monitor the quality of your product on a daily basis from harvest to drying. We strive to use the best technology and experience of the world's producers.
Each batch of product is tested for most known pathogens at the University of Arizona (USA) laboratory before it is being shipped to the customer.
Our production always operates based on the needs of our customers all year round. We have our own lakes on the southern shore of the Aral Sea, which have been harvesting a sustainable crop of Artemia for over 25 years.
Artemia cystes
Artemia salina is a crustacean that lives in salt lakes and estuaries in almost all parts of the world.
Artemia is valued because of its eggs which have high protein content (up to 72.9%), a sufficient amount of essential amino acids:
• leucine - 19.5 g/kg;

• lysine - 37,6 - 50,1;

• valine, 20.2;

• phenylalanine, 17.9;

• methionine, 15.2-16.7;
• histidine, 25.6;

• tryptophan, 1.2-4.07;

• threonine, 14.3;

• isoleucine, 17.1.
It is also noteworthy that eggs, compared with other feed, has a high content of vitamins:
• carotenoids- 73.63mg/kg;

• vitamin B1- 13.6mg/kg;

• B3- 43.97 mg/kg;

• B5- 97.77mg/kg;
• B6- 17.0 mg/kg;

• B7- 3.13 mg/kg;

• B12- 31.4 mg/kg,
macro- and microelements, including those necessary for fish and birds: cobalt, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper.
Where do we yield Artemia?
Within the implementation scope related to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures for integrated socio-economic development of Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan" dated January 16, 2019 for one district with a population of 32 thousand people allocated 1 trillion 485 billion 176 million UZS (this has not yet been in any region of Uzbekistan), last year many facilities were built, reconstructed, overhauled and put into operation. New production capacities and modern enterprises were built.

The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located in the northwestern part of Uzbekistan, at the bottom of the Amudarya River, on the southern shore of the Aral Sea. It is bordered on the southwestern part by the Karakum Desert. In the northwestern part there is the low Ustyurt plain, and in the northeastern part stretches the Kyzylkum desert.

The total area of Karakalpakstan is 166.6 thousand square kilometers, and due to its size it ranks first among the regions of our country. This land, in particular Muinak, was once world-famous for its sea waters and was completely neglected for the next half-century.
Within the implementation scope related to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures for integrated socio-economic development of Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan" dated January 16, 2019 for one district with a population of 32 thousand people allocated 1 trillion 485 billion 176 million UZS (this has not yet been in any region of Uzbekistan), last year many facilities were built, reconstructed, overhauled and put into operation. New production capacities and modern enterprises were built.

The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located in the northwestern part of Uzbekistan, at the bottom of the Amudarya River, on the southern shore of the Aral Sea. It is bordered on the southwestern part by the Karakum Desert. In the northwestern part there is the low Ustyurt plain, and in the northeastern part stretches the Kyzylkum desert.

The total area of Karakalpakstan is 166.6 thousand square kilometers, and due to its size it ranks first among the regions of our country. This land, in particular Muinak, was once world-famous for its sea waters and was completely neglected for the next half-century.
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Hatching instructions
Incubatory container:
A conical tank is useful for incubation of proper size.
Maintain continuous lighting during the hatching process.
8.0 is optimal.
The recommended salinity for incubation is 25 to 30 ((parts per thousand or 0/00) ppt, with bacteria-free water.
The incubation temperature is 28°C.
Supply enough air to keep the cysts suspended during the incubation procedure.
No more than 3 g of Artemia cysts per 1 L of solution.
Typically 24 hours is recommended for optimal hatching.
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Jasmine Gold Group Ltd.
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